Sunday, November 17, 2013

Master Class with Boo Hinkson

Another Master class session was hosted on 14th November. This time it was Ronald Boo Hinkson. Mr Hinkson is known as a legend in St. Lucia for all he has achieved through music. It was really touching. First thing Mr Hinkson mentioned when he arrived. "Opportunities are there in music. Society looks at music as something that has no future as they put more value towards business, science, etc. but I did music. I had a job but I quit because that's not what I wanted to do. Music is what I wanted to do. I drive Mercedes Benz, I have my house on most expensive place in St. Lucia, I have travelled all over the world. I just came from white house. and ALL OF THIS WAS POSSIBLE BECAUSE I CHOSE MUSIC." These words really reached my heart. To this I want to say to my students, don't give up. you might not see the benefit of your actions now, there will be tough times but don't give up. If you feel the passion to the depth of your heart, don't stop, don't give up. One day you will reach that place. Mr Hinkson was passionate from the beginning to the end. Students had a blast as they conversed with Mr Boo. Again Thank you Mr Hinkson for your time and this session. Pictures coming soon

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