Thursday, November 21, 2013

Congratulations to the Choir

Our choir participated in the National Choir Competition and made it to the Semi finals. Semi finals will take place in January. Our choir performed "Rock Away" by Beres Hammond. Bass and tenor singing main melody through out the song. Sopranos and altos on background vocals during verse and 3 part harmonies during choruses. Then we end with an a capella of the last chorus. There were total silence for few seconds then everybody started to scream. They did very well and all the sacrifices and hard work paid off. Now they are getting ready for Christmas Community Outreach Tour. After the performance, we were approached by the police not to arrest us for singing so good but to ask us to perform for one the event they are planning to celebrate "universal child day". We also received complements from Mr Jason Joseph saying that this was the first time he heard the choir sang with such confidence. Bravo to all the members of the choir.

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