Monday, September 2, 2013

G Factor

It is our tradition for G factor to take place in first term, celebrating music month in November. Its no different this year. By the way, G factor is a singing competition which the school organizes every year to choose the best singer amongst the best. The concept derives from well known "American idol" and "X factor". Hence the name G factor. There are auditions and different rounds until finals. There are few changes in format this year. Each homeroom class is required to choose 1 student to represent their class.  These students will be working with their homeroom teachers to choose appropriate song. The first round will be held in the last week of September.

12 students will be selected to proceed to 2nd round, which will be held in the last week of October.  The students will sing the same song which they sang for first round.

The best 6 students will be selected to advance to the final round. For final round,  students are required to sing 2 songs,  one of which they sang at previous round and another of their choice that is in different genre. They will also be placed in groups and will be given a song for them to arrange and perform.

The prizes have not been confirmed as yet however, just for motivation, when we talk prizes, we are talking android tablet, cell phones,  vouchers,  etc.

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