Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New year

We had a very busy and highly successful term. I am really pleased with the progress we have made thus far. We performed at number of places and had to turn down quite a few because of scheduling issues. 

I would like to encourage students to keep up this high team spirit and mind set to keep trying. Please take good rest and enjoy the holidays as you will be going through another tough training next term. 

Please don't be discouraged by the pressure of this training. I am certain that those students who endure and complete these trainings until form 5 will have something that nobody can take away from you. New students will join, some will quit but quitters never win. So far we have been excellent. I am looking for students who can persevere. 

This term, we achieved all the things we planned for. We had our annual G factor, Choir made it semi finals and hosted District 1 Christmas tour. We were asked to perform many places such as meeting of health ministers of OECS, universal child day ceremony, youth symposium, private school Christmas events, collaboration with school of music at Cuban embassy, live rehearsal at serenity park and more. 

Choir learnt 4 songs in all, steel pan learnt 6 songs in all, band learnt 2 songs, orchestra 1 song and singers learnt too many songs. If we keep it up like this, we will be releasing our CD sooner than expected. 

Bravo to students who made sacrifices in their playing time, facebook time, family time and sometimes even studying time. I know some of you went beyond your expectation to make this music program exciting and successful. Trust me I know and I will remember these stuff. 

Over the holidays, I would like for choir members to go through the song "forget you" by ceelo green. Band and orchestra to go through "black man come out to party" and "oye como va" by Carlos Santana. 

So to end my message, Have your a merry little Christmas and This Christmas start planning your weekly schedule. All I want for Christmas is for you to be motivated and come fresh to learn more next term. I wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy new year.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pre G Factor Message

As we are getting ready to witness the best show in the history of Gros Islet Secondary School, I would like to say to the participants that remember the tips and advice from masterclasses and rehearsals, be confident and proud that people are paying $5 to see you perform. Give them your best shot. Enjoy your performance. Balance your time properly so that you can win G factor and pass all your exams. You reached this far and we are very happy with your progress, Job Well Done.

Who will be the next G Factor!?!

Congratulations to the Choir

Our choir participated in the National Choir Competition and made it to the Semi finals. Semi finals will take place in January. Our choir performed "Rock Away" by Beres Hammond. Bass and tenor singing main melody through out the song. Sopranos and altos on background vocals during verse and 3 part harmonies during choruses. Then we end with an a capella of the last chorus. There were total silence for few seconds then everybody started to scream. They did very well and all the sacrifices and hard work paid off. Now they are getting ready for Christmas Community Outreach Tour. After the performance, we were approached by the police not to arrest us for singing so good but to ask us to perform for one the event they are planning to celebrate "universal child day". We also received complements from Mr Jason Joseph saying that this was the first time he heard the choir sang with such confidence. Bravo to all the members of the choir.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Master class with TC Brown

As the week comes to an end, we invited TC Brown to host our master class session on Friday 15th November. Mr Brown gave students some solid knowledge of whole aspect of a performer. His main message was PREPARATION. Preparing everything from the hair style to the color of your socks. Planning every movement and practising. Message which my students really needed. Thanks to Mr Brown for interactive informative session. He even performed for our students and gave them alot of tips. Our principal, a huge fan of TC Brown took special time to join us in our master class. I would like to take this moment to recognise and say a special thank you to the principal Mrs Charles who supported and is still supporting music program at the school. I know music has changed many students' lives and is and will change many more, all this because of the support of our principal. 7 more days before the final round of G factor, the competition is tough as everybody is raising their quality at practice. 

Master Class with Boo Hinkson

Another Master class session was hosted on 14th November. This time it was Ronald Boo Hinkson. Mr Hinkson is known as a legend in St. Lucia for all he has achieved through music. It was really touching. First thing Mr Hinkson mentioned when he arrived. "Opportunities are there in music. Society looks at music as something that has no future as they put more value towards business, science, etc. but I did music. I had a job but I quit because that's not what I wanted to do. Music is what I wanted to do. I drive Mercedes Benz, I have my house on most expensive place in St. Lucia, I have travelled all over the world. I just came from white house. and ALL OF THIS WAS POSSIBLE BECAUSE I CHOSE MUSIC." These words really reached my heart. To this I want to say to my students, don't give up. you might not see the benefit of your actions now, there will be tough times but don't give up. If you feel the passion to the depth of your heart, don't stop, don't give up. One day you will reach that place. Mr Hinkson was passionate from the beginning to the end. Students had a blast as they conversed with Mr Boo. Again Thank you Mr Hinkson for your time and this session. Pictures coming soon

Master Class with Shayne Ross

In celebrating music month, we invited best musicians across St. Lucia to host a master class with G factor finalists and other music groups. This day, 13th November, we have Shayne Ross teaching our students. This session was very interactive and informative. Shayne Ross showed various vocal techniques and ways to interact with the audience. Shayne Ross was so impressed with our students that he wants to invite us to his radio talk show. Bravo to Shayne, he was very passionate. Passionate about music, passionate about his job, passionate about performance. I am sure that students have realized that passion makes a huge difference in performances and the whole attitude. It was a worthwhile session and the experience and information shared were priceless. Students sure took alot home. It was also amazing that Shayne Ross also gave my students a ride to town. It will be a talk of the month. Pictures coming soon

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Highest mark from district 1 choir assessment team

On 6th of November, District 1, in preparation for choir competition which is scheduled to take place on 12th of November, Team of teachers known for their excellence in the subject area of music was formed to assess and help all of the schools in District 1. The members of the team are Mr E. John (DEO), Mrs A. Biroo (Babonneau Primary), Mr C.Y. Jeon (Gros Islet Secondary) and Mr A. Alexander (Babonneau Secondary). Main objective of this exercise is to ensure all schools from district 1 participate in national music event such as choir competition and help school who need help or assistance with their choir. There were many impressive performances namely Dame Pearlette Louisy Primary School, Boguis Primary School, Babonneau Primary, Babonneau Secondary and Gros Islet Secondary School. Overall our school received the highest marking and non stop praise. I would like to take this time to tell my choir members that this does not mean we can ease on the practice and relax. It is important to get good feedback but even more important to keep up the good work. So congrats to all the members and teacher who assisted the choir and let go right to finals and bring home the trophy.

Master class with Teddyson John

Students of Gros Islet Secondary School are again fortunate to witness some amazing in their life. Apart from free classes with Iconic St. Lucian performers like Mr Gregory Piper, they were in a master class conducted by one of the best performer / singer / artist / musician / however you want to describe him... Teddyson John. Today, Teddyson John had one on one, experience sharing, tough love tutoring with our G Factor finalists namely, Mathias Henry, Whitney Abisique, Jeremiah Hoyte, Jermima Mathurin, Preshalla Cammey and Noah Avril. The session was very informative and to the point which Teddyson John identified and addressed some of the key weaknesses in the performances. To this I am expecting a quality show which no other secondary school have demonstrated thus far. I would like to thank Teddyson John for his willingness to assist in youth, passion, informative and interactive session with our students. pictures coming soon.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Music Month Schedule

Dear students and followers, November is Music month and we have packed this month with various activities. First of all, banners, charts, posters have been placed all over the school. There are invited guests, events, a lot of singing and performing. So here is the schedule

1st     - Launching of Music Month - posting posters, banners, etc.
6th     - Choir performance at the school
8th     - Master class by Teddyson John
12th   - Choir Competition
13th   - Master class by Shayne Ross
14th   - Master class by Ronald Boo Hinkson
15th   - Master class by TC Brown
18th   - Master class by Semi Francis
19th   - Master class by Jason Bachelor Joseph
22nd  - G Factor
28th   - Parents Evening
29th   - Performance at Grand Riviere Primary

Brass Woodwind Orchestra

It has been more than a year since we started our own brass woodwind orchestra. I would like to take this moment to thank Mr Gregory Piper for assisting us to start this initiative and bravo to all the members of this orchestra for the extra effort and sacrifices they have made. Keep up the great work.

Performance Workshop for G factor semi finalist

Here are some photos of performance workshop held by Ms Nakita John for our G Factor Finalists.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Performance at Youth Symposium

Our school was asked to perform national anthem at youth symposium hosted by ministry of health in collaboration with ministry of education & ministry of youth development. We know it is just an anthem at the ceremony but it is the beginning of the recognition we are receiving of all the effort.  We are grateful for this opportunity. Our mission was to perform and sing national anthem,  requests made for vocals accompanied by a steel pan. We have Merkella Edward and Noah Avril on voice accompanied by Jovanny Charlery on tenor pan.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Our Gift For You - Choir

Choir members please check out the different parts of this song. We will be singing this song on Friday 4th October 2013 as a dedication to teachers. We started it with good energy and we need to keep the momentum going.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

G factor first round review

On Friday 20th September 2013, we successfully hosted our annual trade mark "G Factor". The competition demonstrated passion, dedication and discipline participants developed through the first month of this academic year. There was a definite team spirit and support amongst participants, teachers and most importantly the students. This marks music department's effort to produce 2 of its truly 100% Gros Islet Secondary School Product; the legendary music room and one if a kind G Factor. This round, there were 16 participants. All gave their best but only 12 could advance to next round. It was a real tough decision for judges due to extreme performance displayed by students who usually perform well and others who just come out and surprise everyone. Job well done to all students who took part and round of applause to our students who witnessed this history in making for being an awesome audience. The list of students who made it to next round will be posted soon, for now enough talking. Have a look at some of our photos. Special thanks to our professional photographer,  Mr Dorville.



Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lunch time! Show time!!

On Friday 13th September 2013, the black friday... Music department held first ever Lunch time! Show time!! This is a lunch time event where students of music department get a chance to perform their practiced pieces for rest of the school to hear. It will be held at least once a month during lunch time. This time performances were held by GISS choir and few of our trade mark G Factor contestants, namely Mathias Henry, Noah Avril and Merkella Edward. Songs performed are "One more song", "Locked out of heaven", "Grenade" and "Fireworks". It was a success and the crowd enjoyed the show very much. Rest of the afternoon was calmed by songs from our guests who will be coming to the school to have master classes and interviews, namely Warner Semi Francis, Ronald Boo Hinkson and Shayne Ross.

Choir singing "One More Song"

Mathias singing "Locked out of heaven"

Noah doing "Grenade"

Merkella with "Fireworks"

Thursday, September 12, 2013

One more song

Choir members, please check out the different parts, it is not as sharp as I would like to be so just use it as a guide for your practise. You can click on download to download on to your device.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


One of well known St Lucian folk song "Estephane" performed live by St Lucia School Of Music at Gros Islet Secondary School

School of Music Tour

St. Lucia School of Music is on Tour to showcase the youngster and to recruit new talented students at various schools. Today the tour was held at our own Gros Islet Secondary School drum roll ...... Canteen Gazebo!~~~ I know. Anyways here are some photos, students I would like to take this opportunities to say that while I support school of music and any other institutions providing music lessons, these lessons are offered FREE at the school. It was amazing to know that some students signing up and taking applications to pay for these classes and there are FREE classes offered at the school. WOW.