Monday, August 19, 2013

Kodaly Methods

Teachers, this is the method I am incorporating in my lessons, it is a method developed by Zoltan Kodaly, famous and controversial music educator. I love this method and observed greater interaction and attention from students.

brief history : Kodály became interested in the music education of children in 1925 when he overheard some students singing songs that they had learned at school. Kodály was appalled by the standard of the children's singing, and was inspired to do something to improve the music education system in Hungary (Eösze 1962:69-70). He wrote a number of controversial articles, columns, and essays to raise awareness about the issue of music education (74). In his writings, Kodály criticized schools for using poor-quality music and for only teaching music in the secondary grades (72). Kodály insisted that the music education system needed better teachers, better curriculum, and more class time devoted to music (Dobszay 1972:30).

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