Saturday, August 31, 2013

Join different programs!!!

Again music department is offering FREE after school programs to students. These after school started  a year ago and after its assessment, the results show that students have developed a sense of team work, increased self esteem as well as discipline. For these benefits and more which I have not mentioned, these programs will continue. Parents please support the school by encouraging your child to be part of these great initiatives. There are limited number of instruments and space, therefore students will be chosen on first come first serve basis. Here are the list of after school programs:

Steelpan Orchestra
Brass, woodwind Orchestra

String orchestra will start soon.

Interested students are asked to register by first week of school at music room.
- Chun Young Jeon - music teacher

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

St. Lucia National Anthem

Teachers and students this is the audio and scoring of the National Anthem.
Please take time to check out the score and the different parts.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Kodaly Methods

Teachers, this is the method I am incorporating in my lessons, it is a method developed by Zoltan Kodaly, famous and controversial music educator. I love this method and observed greater interaction and attention from students.

brief history : Kodály became interested in the music education of children in 1925 when he overheard some students singing songs that they had learned at school. Kodály was appalled by the standard of the children's singing, and was inspired to do something to improve the music education system in Hungary (Eösze 1962:69-70). He wrote a number of controversial articles, columns, and essays to raise awareness about the issue of music education (74). In his writings, Kodály criticized schools for using poor-quality music and for only teaching music in the secondary grades (72). Kodály insisted that the music education system needed better teachers, better curriculum, and more class time devoted to music (Dobszay 1972:30).

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Post graduation message for students

From right; Mr Harlow, Mr Jeon, Hendricks, Ishmael,
Noah, Juan, Jeremiah and Miguel
Job well done to the students who again demonstrated their passion for music and willingness to learn and develop as a positive youth.  First time ever, all of graduation's musical needs were met through music students. It was a very melodious graduation overflowing with music. All the feedbacks were positive, the ministers, invited guests, principal, vice principal, teachers and parents were impressed with the music.  However there are rooms for more improvements, I have individualized areas of development for each student which you will receive during the first week of school. I will now recognize the different teams who took part in graduation; sound engineering team, steel pan orchestra, choir, live band and solo singers. Note first term we do more choir work and solo singing competition,  start preparing your self.

Mathias' dedication to graduants "Your Song" by Elton John
Bassman Travis graduating

Ready for school

As we are getting closer to the last days of summer vacation, I am reminding all music students to come prepared for another busy eventful term. Schools starts in first week of September. Just a reminder that G factor will take place during the course of the term. Detailed format will be posted soon. Start warming up your voices, grease your fingers clear your mind to absorb all the activities, songs and training planned out for the term. Enjoy the remaining days of your holiday.