Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Steelpan Rehearsals Resumes from TODAY

Students and parents are reminded that our well established steelpan orchestra will resume the regular rehearsals from today, 25th September 2014. Consent forms were sent to students. Please note that students will be part of the orchestra only when the permission is granted from the parent / guardian. Practice day and time remains the same, Mondays and Wednesdays 3:30 to 5:00. 

Students need to be present at all rehearsals, as students who miss rehearsal will not be allowed to perform with the group and could result in being terminated from the orchestra.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Practice Update

Due to scheduling issues, from this term, all musical groups' rehearsal will be scheduled for after school. Students are asked to register this week for Mr Jeon to start scheduling rehearsals. The band rehearsal started from Monday 1st September. 

Welcome Back

New academic year officially commenced on September 1st in St. Lucia. Music department welcomes new students in form 1 and returning students to Gros Islet Secondary School. Let's Play Music