Monday, January 27, 2014

Bravo Gros Islet Secondary School Choir

Congratulations to our hard working choir members. We placed 4th during our second year of participating which is way surpass our initial objective - to make it to finals. You deserve a good rest now. There has been significant increase in our quality compared to last year. There are a lot of potential within us and can not wait for us to maximize our potential. So let us make it happen and continue our practice throughout the year. 

I also want to recognise Mr CY Jeon and C Francis for the arrangement of the songs and working with the choir. It was not easy working and conduct choir during break, lunch, after school and even when we are home. It was well worth it as our school received the best arrangement award. 

We are the CHAMPION in progress. Students learned so much a part from singing. During our rehearsals we faced many challenges but at the end none of the members gave up. We learned few important life lessons such as team work, helping each other, discipline, commitment and dedication which is why we are true champions. Thank you choir members, parents who supported the students, principal and vice principal who passed during couple of our rehearsals for moral support and teachers it was easy for me to teach the choir members about team work because we are a great team. Thank you everybody and be prepared for next year.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Choir Semi final song track

Please listen to the track and sing along. you can download the track as well. Let make it happen.